C/C++ Users Group Library 1996 July
C-C++ Users Group Library July 1996.iso
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Assembly Source File
274 lines
page 60,132
; *==========================================================*
; * *
; * This file contains character display related functions *
; * _wrtc -- move the pixel pattern from buffer to *
; * the current frame. *
; * _copyfont -- copy the pixel data to buffer for *
; * manipulation. *
; * _ctextL -- clip the left side of the pixel data *
; * _ctextR -- clip the right side of the pixel data *
; * *
; * See also the comment in writec function *
; * *
; *==========================================================*
.err both display type defined
HERC equ 0
smo equ 4 ; small model offset value
_DATA segment word public 'DATA'
assume ds:DGROUP
extrn _LEFTWORD:word,_RIGHTWORD:word
extrn wrtvec:word
_DATA ends
_TEXT segment byte public 'CODE'
assume cs:_TEXT,ds:DGROUP
extrn $calc:near
public _wrtc,_copyfont,_ctextL,_ctextR
; wrtc(x,y,shift,write_width,height,store_width,buffer,offset_flag);
; x,y are the top-left-hand corner of the character box
; shift -- the number of bits to shift right before writing
; write_width -- the number of words per row in writing
; store_width -- the number of words per row occupied in buffer
; buffer -- address of the pixel data buffer
; offset_flag -- 0 means normal, non-0 means skip first pixel word per row
; in the buffer. (see the comment below.
_wrtc proc near ; public to c
push bp
mov bp,sp
push si
push di
shl word ptr [bp+smo+10],1 ; convert store_width to byte
mov ax,[bp+smo+6] ; load write_width into ax
shl ax,1 ; convert to byte
sub [bp+smo+10],ax ; store_width now contains the difference
; of store_width and write_width in byte
test word ptr [bp+smo+4],08h ; shift >= 8 ?
jz wc10 ; no, jump
sub word ptr [bp+smo+4],8 ; sub. shift by 8
mov bx,[bp+smo+12] ; then shift the pixel data by 1 byte
mov di,[bp+smo+6] ; write_width
mov si,[bp+smo+8] ; height
wc11: mov cx,di
mov al,0
wc12: mov dx,[bx]
xchg dh,dl
xchg dh,al
mov [bx],dx
inc bx
inc bx
loop wc12 ; until the whole row is shifted
add bx,[bp+smo+10] ; move to begining of next row
dec si ; until every row is shifted
jnz wc11
wc10: mov ax,[bp+smo+4]
test ax,ax
jz short wc4
mov si,[bp+smo+8] ; height
mov dx,[bp+smo+12] ; buffer address
mov di,ax
wc1: mov bx,dx
wc2: mov cx,[bp+smo+6]
wc3: rcr word ptr [bx],1
inc bx
inc bx
loop wc3 ; until the whole row is shifted 1 bit
dec di
jnz short wc1 ; until the row is shifted n times
add bx,[bp+smo+10]
mov dx,bx
mov di,ax
dec si
jnz short wc2 ; until every row is shifted
wc4: mov si,[bp+smo+12] ; pixel buffer address
wc5: mov ax,[bp+smo] ; x coordinate
mov bx,[bp+smo+2] ; y coordinate
call $calc ; calculate destination addr.
mov es,ax
mov cx,[bp+smo+6] ; load write_width (in words)
test [bp+smo+14],0ffffh ; flag set?
jz wc6 ; no, skip to wc6
inc si ; otherwise skip first pixel word
inc si
dec cx ; decrement write_width
; in this case, write_width is at least 2
wc6: mov ax,[si]
xchg ah,al ; xchg before writing
call wrtvec
inc si ; move to next word
inc si
inc bx
inc bx
loop wc6 ; loop write_width times
add si,[bp+smo+10] ; move to begining of next row
inc word ptr [bp+smo+2] ; move down one row (increment y)
dec word ptr [bp+smo+8] ; decrement height
jnz short wc5 ; if non-zero, loop
pop di ; else done
pop si
pop bp
_wrtc endp
; copyfont(raw_data_width,height,store_width,raw_data_ptr,buffer);
; raw_data_width -- number of byte per row
; height -- in row
; store_width -- number of words per row when stored in buffer
; raw_data_ptr (huge) -- address of raw pixel data
; buffer -- buffer address
_copyfont proc near ; public to c
push bp
mov bp,sp
push si
push di
mov ax,ds
mov es,ax
mov al,[bp+smo+2] ; height
mov bl,[bp+smo+4] ; store_width
mul bl ; multiple to get memory required
mov cx,ax ; move result to cx
mov di,[bp+smo+10] ; buffer
xor ax,ax ; clear buffer first
rep stosw
mov si,[bp+smo]
mov dx,[bp+smo+4]
shl dx,1 ; convert to byte
sub dx,si ; difference of store_width and raw_data_width
mov di,[bp+smo+10]
les bx,[bp+smo+6] ; get raw data pointer
cf1: mov cx,si
cf2: mov ax,es:[bx]
xchg ah,al
dec cx
jz cf3 ; means raw_data_width is an odd number
mov [di],ax
inc bx
inc di
inc bx
inc di
loop short cf2
cf4: add di,dx
dec word ptr [bp+smo+2]
jnz short cf1 ; move row by row
pop di
pop si
pop bp
cf3: xor al,al ; special handling of last byte if
mov [di],ax ; raw_data_width is odd
inc bx
inc di
jmp short cf4
_copyfont endp
; ctextR(clip_start,store_width,height,buffer);
; clip_start -- It is in number of bits from the left side of a row.
; ctextR discards the bits after clip_start.
; store_width -- width in word of each row
; height --
; buffer -- address of the buffer
_ctextR proc near ; public to c
push bp
mov bp,sp
push si
push di
mov bx,[bp+smo] ; get clip_start
mov si,bx
and bx,0fh ; clip_width mod 16
shl bx,1
mov ax,_RIGHTWORD[bx] ; get mask to clear the right part
xchg ah,al
mov bx,[bp+smo+4]
mov cl,4
shr si,cl ; last word need
mov di,[bp+smo+6] ; get buffer address
cr1: add di,si
add di,si ; increase 2*si byte (si words)
and [di],ax ; clear bits after clip_start
inc di ; move to next word
inc di
mov cx,[bp+smo+2]
sub cx,si
dec cx ; words left on the right of clip_start
jz cr2 ; jump if none
mov word ptr [di],0 ; else clear next word
shl cx,1
add di,cx
cr2: dec bx
jnz cr1 ; loop until every row is processed